WOW! “What was I Made For”. How many times have I asked that question?! He made us to love what he loves. We just forget.

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That’s a terrific song eh!

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I enjoyed this and found myself nodding my head and agreeing with what you were saying, there are those around us who do not understand things like love because they have spent time learning how to not love, I say this because in my mind love comes naturally, not loving or hating is something learnt.

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I love that song…and yet I struggle to label myself as a Christian today. Do I love Jesus and everything he stood for and said? Absolutely. But the great divide among the people who call themselves “Christian” today, has me wanting to distance myself from that label.

I want strangers and those in the margins to know they are safe with me…and identifying as a Christian can mean many things, and I don’t want to be put in a category that’s associated with creating more stratification, division, and oppression.

The same people who get riled up about keeping “Christ” in “Christmas” are the same ones who have taken “Christ” out of “Christian.”


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Thank you for this post! The depth of God’s love is recognized, as you recall, when we journey into new worlds, or regions of the world, to encounter the non-Christian “other” who sees in us something utterly compelling and yet quite simple: we are known by our love.

Lately I’m trying to acknowledge my faith in a nation where tens of millions of Christians openly celebrate our incoming president, a man who is vengeful and cruel and sees the “other,” the immigrant and other outsiders, as “vermin.”

I find it very difficult to worship, pray or break bread with Christians I know who, for all intents and purposes, have sanctified hatred. Your words are no less truthful, so how can God’s love prevail during the church’s dark hour of apostasy?

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I was taken with your comment (and I saw your bio in the Chat). I'm a PK who grew up in conservative evangelicalism in New Zealand. I've followed recent developments in the US, it's confronting and troubling.. so know you're 'seen' even from this distance. I wanted to check something at Bible Gateway and their 'verse of the day' stopped me short. I hope you don't mind me sharing, it just seemed so relevant! Philippians 2:14-16 (pt).

Do all things without murmurings and disputings: that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; holding forth the word of life; [...]

"a crooked and perverse nation"!!

If we persevere (noting Jake's response), what happens is that even as darkness gets darker, the light shines brighter and brighter. Is this our 'resistance'? I think it might be!

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I understand the challenge and the struggle. As for me I’ll keep trying to love, to preach love , and to teach love. I trust that God will do something with and through that. And when I’m tired I’ll try not to get discouraged. With God’s help we persevere

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