In many of my posts, I share my beliefs and my spiritual ups and downs, sidesteps and missteps. I invite you to share something of your own beliefs and spiritual experiences with the rest of The Woodlands Community. The chat feature is perfect for sharing with each other, and it’s available to all subscribers.
I’m going to leave this prompt over in The Woodlands Chat:
Talk about your own spiritual/religious journey. Did you grow up in a faith tradition? Attend worship? How was that experience for you then? How do you look at it now? If you did not grow up in a faith tradition, what is your perception of faith traditions like Christianity? What interests, attracts, or repels you about faith? (from the reflections at the end of Chapter One of A Full-Hearted Life)
Head on over and share your wisdom, folly, joy, and curiosity. There’s really only one rule: love, support, and respect for one another. Let’s be good listeners and learn from one another, even when we don’t see things in the same way.
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